Professional Mentorship and Supervision

For Therapists, Wellness Practitioners and Coaches

Mentorship with a twist

As a helping professional with over 20 years experience, I know first-hand the weight of our roles, the people we endeavor to serve and the complexity and imbalance of the systems we often work in.

That we need support not only for better clinical reasoning and client care, but also, and dare I say especially, for our whole being, nervous system and capacity. Support that helps us to listen to ourselves better and to the magic and gifts we have to share with the world.

If you want support with a creative, psycho-social and embodied framework, I’ve got you. If you are an occupational therapist, social worker, art therapist, holistic counselor, psychotherapist, life coach, facilitator, hypnotherapist, etc…this is for you.

You have been through so much these past few years. In addition to being human and experiencing everything else the world has, you have also been caring for the increasing amount of people dealing with their own traumas, challenges and health crisis. And I really do acknowledge how much this has been and how much you do. I’m here to offer you the care that you are also worthy of and if we are honest, don't always make the time for.

This is for you if:

  • You work better in a 1:1 space and love the deepening and personalization that groups may not offer.

  • You want support that honours you as a whole and diverse person and how your personal experiences influence your professional capacity.

  • You want to move out of burnt out, moral fatigue, exhaustion, overwhelm, self doubt, people pleasing, over responsibility and into joy, inspiration, clarity and connection.

  • You want to feel more confident and lit up by doing more of what you love.

  • You are curious about learning trauma informed-systemic oriented and integrative tools for ongoing use with yourself and even your clients that will support you as a whole and diverse being.

  • You may be going through a pivot, transition or expansion and want grounded guidance and support that keeps bringing you back to your own intuition and knowing.

“Aubri is the most in tune and caring practitioner I have ever worked with. She shows a deep interest in my life and has supported me on my journey. I am forever grateful for her guidance and inspiration.

Rhiannon Crispe, Entrepreneur, OT, The OT Lifestyle Movement