Relational Coaching Sessions

Life is about relationships. I’m here to support you in having more beautiful ones with yourself, others and life.

Sessions are available in person in Maroochydore QLD, or online.

Working with me is a progressive process that supports you to heal and deepen your relationship with yourself, the ones you love and life.

I work with a combination of therapeutic frameworks and principles including the following:

  • Compassionate and Somatic Oriented inquiry

  • Family and Systemic Constellation Therapy

  • Internal Family Systems Therapy

  • Attachment, Sensory Processing and Trauma Informed Care

  • Non-Violent Communication

  • Acceptance Commitment Therapy

  • Guided Drawing & Expressive Arts

We will use what is best for you, your capacity and your system.

Sessions are paced to make sure your body and nervous system have time to integrate and find a good place to land.

These sessions offer a compassionate and powerful approach to deeply integrating ourselves and all that we are ( needs and vulnerabilities included), un-shaming and healing trauma and inter-generational trauma, building self compassion and internal safety, and harvesting our gifts and rediscovering our wholeness. This approaches are not about “fixing” or “getting rid of”, but rather allowing things to naturally and organically change as we come home to ourselves and find the resources need to unravel the pain from the past and harvest the intelligence of your inner wisdom.

“After working with you throughout this year Aubri, I continue to be surprised and amazed at how shifts and changes keep unfolding for me months later after my sessions. I’ve seen how my nervous system can hold more and is much more resilient than I’ve ever experienced in my life life ( even after years of body work therapy!)

His has been the most incredible gift to myself that keeps on giving. I’m deeply grateful for you.”

— Tilby

How do I know if these sessions are right for me?

These sessions are right for you if:

  • Your are on a personal/spiritual healing journey or a professional looking for more embodied and holistic support and mentorship.

  • You’re willing to have a beginner mind despite already knowing many things.

  • You want a to experience healthier relationship with yourself and those you love and be at home in your own being.

  • You wan better connection an ways of responding in you personal and intimate relationships.

  • You want to experience more meaning, authenticity, and understanding.

  • You are ready to uncover the hidden internal and ancestral baggage you don’t know are impacting your sense of self or relationships.

  • You want support that honors your whole being, system and body and all the parts of you and feelings that show up in life.

  • You want to navigate the discomfort of change and the unknown with more trust, openness and capacity.

  • You want to be able to share your gifts with this world and better understand how.

  • You want to feel a sense of belonging, have a place, and know your needs matters.

  • You work better in a personalized 1:1 space and love the deepening and personalisation they offer.

A bit more..

These sessions are a commitment to your body, being and the well of wisdom that lies within you. They are a way home to yourself and the medicine of your soul.

While you may experience shifts in a few sessions, the living breathing relationship you have with yourself on a daily basis is also important to tend to. When there has been a history of self-abandonment, inner criticism, societal and cultural oppression, and ancestral burdens and trauma, we have to learn to be with ourselves and each other in new ways.

Our sessions together will allow you to embody and apply what you learn on a daily basis with yourself and others when you are not with me. With more inner trust and safety, you are empowered to take care of you, your life and relationships in a way that honour you and your needs.

What you discover and embody you will take with you and use for the rest of your life long after our time together. It will impact not only your relationship with yourself, but also your relationship with others and with the energy of life.

I am not the keeper of answers, the authority, the knower, the savior, or the fixer. This is a guided journey to connect with yourself, your own truth and the magic within that awaits you.

Ready to get started?