
Radical wholeness, Embodied Listening and Ancestral Healing

When we learn to listen with our whole being, grace leads us back home.

This is a unique 4 month immersion in radical wholeness, embodied listening and ancestral healing and an introduction to the model of Somatic Resonance and Attunement™. This immersion is designed for therapeutic professionals, wellness facilitators, educators and leaders who want to learn and experience somatic, attuned, compassionate, un-shaming, and un-pathologizing processes and ways of being and integrate them into your personal life and practice. And who want to have a more whole and integrate state of being and way of working with everything you already know along with what you will be learning.

A chance to integrate more of your shadows, more of your inner wisdom and more of your gifts, opening the way to a whole and connected life.

We will be exploring frameworks, theories and practices that support our many systems. These are informed by core principles of the model of Somatic Resonance and Attunement™ as well as somatic oriented self inquiry, the power of the witness, attunement, principles of resonance from the knowing field, radical compassion and empathy, inner parts work and integration, inter-generational trauma healing, family constellations, mindfulness and expressive art and movement, sensory processing, attachment & relational neuroscience, and personal & inherited family trauma.

You are welcome to join if you are on a healing path or want to embed this medicine into your work and offerings, and open up to embodied, organic shifts for yourself and those you are of service to.

“I’ve been sharing lots of the work I’ve learned from you in the last immersion with my clients now. It’s been soo amazing. Thank you for giving me the confidence and speaking the language I speak and offering your mastery. The more I do this work, the more I see what you have brought together and I feel like you have saved me 20 years of study. I soo appreciate you. This work continues to fascinate me, every session that I offer, your mastery is with me, sitting on my shoulder. Biggest appreciation Bella xxx”.appreciatin Bella xxx”

-Andrea Lopez, Mentor, Women’s Health Guide & Founder of Mama Medicina


Price: AUD$2987 total (~USD$1960)
$487 non-refundable deposit+$2500.

Extended payment plans available.

Group A Face to Face: Fridays for local participants, 9am-12pm AEST at Kawana Island Meet Place.

Nov 1st-Dec 13th 2024 +Jan 10th-Feb 21th 2025

Group B Online: Sat am AEST /Friday pm PST for international and non-local participants, 9am -12pm Sat AEST check your local day/time here

Nov 2nd-Dec14th 2024+ Jan 11th-Feb 22nd 2025


  • 14 sessions over 4 months

  • Modules and supplemental materials on theory, application and practice

  • Additional support from other experienced Systemic Arts practitioners and facilitators.

  • Light home work for integration

  • A Whats App group with support

  • Handouts & Resources

  • Certificate of participation

  • Spaces are limited to 12 participants in each cohort

  • Discounts on 1:1 sessions awith Aubri

  • Applications are reviewed in the order they are received and spaces are not guaranteed

This program is for you if:

  • You want to learn and experience somatic, attuned, compassionate, un-shaming, and un-pathologizing tools and ways of being and integrate them into your personal life and practice.

  • You want to learn about cultivating a more whole and integrated state of being and powerful trauma informed processes that can support embodied, organic shifts for yourself and those you are of service to.

  • You want to face your shadows and make space to share more of your gifts with the world.

  • You want to learn at a pace and way that offers creative resources to support your system and offers space for integration, realizations and embodiment.

  • You appreciate the shared support of community and the gifts and insights or intimate group learning.

  • You have the capacity ( Energy, Emotional, Time, Finances ect) that learning in this container will be a welcome addition to your life not an added stress at this time.

  • You are wanting to join this immersion because it is a yes in your body and will add to your life and not just because you feel like you need “another training”

  • You are mature and responsible and respectful of the time and the depth this kind of commitment requires.

  • You are wanting to integrate this into your professional practice such as Occupational Therapy, Social Work, Yoga and Movement Therapy, Manual Therapy and Body Work, Meditation, Psychotherapy, Art Therapy, Kinesology, Doctors ( MD, DO, ND, CD) TCM and Acupuncture, Psychology, Coaching, Education, Psychology.

“100% life changing. Both in personal and professional ways! So much healing, so much more space within me for life to flow through with ease.”

-Inga, Life Coach, Yogi, Mother

Aubri Hathaway

MA, OT., BS Soc., Minor ArtH.

Mentor and Facilitator

Aubri is an mentor, therapist and facilitator focused on cultivating radical and embodied wholeness. She has over 20 years of experience in bio-psycho-spiritual health including working as a senior mental health occupational therapist across the human lifespan.

Her work is also informed by diverse wisdom traditions, qualifications in Occupational Therapy, Sociology and Art History, clinical experience as a Mental Health Occupational Therapist, academic experience as a university educator, her roles as a dancer, artist, yoga and mindfulness medication instructor, and her deep relationship and experience with art, poetry, compassion and movement as healers.

Aubri’s experience has shaped a non-pathologizing, embodied, evolving multi-system approach. She embraces the complexities of our existence with compassion, curiosity and creativity.

She has taught in community spaces, professional clinics and universities. She is respected in the wellness community and is passionate about teaching future practitioners this powerful medicine and way of relating in the world.

About Aubir’s Teaching Style

Aubir has been a teacher/ educator for as long as she have been in school. Even in primary school she was helping and supporting other students. She loves creating meaningful and intimate learning spaces that offer a mix of structured learning and she also really leans into experiential learning.

Sometimes this can be an edge for people who want a lot of order and predictably. However, in her 20+ years educating and mentoring, she has found that if we can be patient with ourselves and allow a journey of embodied discovery vs just conceptual learning, we recieve a whole lot more and can also share what we have learned a whole lot better.

This means during our immersion there will be specific things, topics and experiences she will make sure are covered AND there will also be a degree of flexibility to move with the rhythm of the group and it’s needs and capacity. This means you get to learn more and honor your system while you are learning. And this…for her…is so important.

She also believes in the power of play and playfulness and how this help us to learn. It’s also researched! So expect a deep, intimate, playful and flexibly paced experience.

Feedback from previous programs:

“This has invited such a safe, deep exploration into the experiences which I knew & felt in my body, but didn't have words for until this course… If you're feeling the nudge, I say follow your body's wisdom and begin this journey "

— Tilby OT & Somatic Practitioner MOT, BCST

“I completed this training with Aubri … and it was amazing. Like life-changingly profound. I learned so much about myself, deepened the communication I have with my body and my internal parts, and have grown in my capacity and awareness both as a human and as a practitioner. Aubri is intuitive, compassionate and playful, which made learning and navigating the depth of this training such a beautiful experience.

The training can be attended online for those of you who aren't local - if this speaks to you, I highly recommend reaching out to Aubri and having a chat to learn more about the magic…I feel honored to have learned from and with Aubri over our 6 month journey, and I'm super excited to integrate Constellations into my own practice!!”

— Jo: Acupuncturist, Womb Spiral Practitioner

Aubri provides a space that generates curiosity about the experiences of our clients and ourselves, and how we can reach beyond the superficial to deeply touch the experiences and factors that shape our lives and therapeutic interactions."

Janelle: OT, Mentor, Women’s Health Coach

“Ilove and deeply appreciate the wisdom, knowledge, well honed skills, intuition and eloquence Aubri brings as a teacher and facilitator of Systemic work. I feel honoured, privileged and grateful to be Aubri’s student, and I look forward to helping others gain more insight, ease and clarity in their lives, using the wisdom, knowledge and the expansive and ever expanding skill set I have received from Aubri.“

Alana Golingi: Massage therapist, Yoga Instructor, Systemic Arts Student

Get early notice for October registration