
  • Tiziano

    She is knowledgeable and experienced however that is not what makes her, Aubri is gifted!Her capability to see beyond the seen is what takes her facilitation to another level. When I work with her she has my full trust and I do not spend much time detailing what is going on, I know she is fully guided by something beyond.

  • Tilby

    After working with you throughout this year Aubri, I continue to be surprised and amazed at how shifts and changes keep unfolding for me months later after my sessions. I’ve seen how my nervous system can hold more and is much more resilient than I’ve ever experienced in my life life ( even after years of body work therapy!)
    Systemic work is the most incredible gift to myself that keeps on giving. I’m deeply grateful for you.

  • Sarah

    “ Working with Aubri and Constellations has created some of the most incredible shifts in my life and my family members. Aubri holds incredible space and works in a way that honours each participant’s capacity and pace. She also empowers them with resources to hold themselves through whatever arises within the Constellation. She reads the energy of the field with skill and depth and facilitates deep healing for us in the present moment and for our ancestors. I’m so grateful to Aubri for everything she brings to the healing space!”

  • Domenica

    I have recently completed six sessions with Aubri on an issue that had eluded me for quite some time and was deeply affecting the results in my life, mainly due to inaction. Aubri is kind, compassionate and intuitive - and we took a journey that I feel has completely resourced that issue. I feel lighter, I feel happier, there is less ‘chatter’ and most exciting - I am finally taking action and it feels easy. I am delighted with the results and recommend Aubri’s skills to anyone wanting to create change.

  • Mary

    “In a world that is so full of people that wish to tell you what you should do, how you should feel, it is a gift to come to work with a mentor that does exactly the opposite. Aubri holds a beautiful safe space for you to explore all parts of you. To be seen, heard and witnessed for all that you are and hold within. To open to the wisdom of the soul/body/ancestors that is waiting to be heard.”

  • Joerg Hassmann

    There is so much welcoming, warmth and friendliness in the space that Aubri provides. A lot of lightness within and around the depth of transformational experiences that are emerging in these group sessions. I feel very held, seen and supported in her facilitation, invited to face challenges but not being pushed into it. Her work is a great offer for befriending neglected and unappreciated parts of myself ... all in an atmosphere that builds and strengthens community. Thank you so much for your doing and being, Aubri

  • Nikki

    Somewhere in my journey as a mum and business women I had lost the essence of who I was. My empathy, compassion and self love had been replaced with organising, managing and fixing. My relationship with my daughter and loved ones was suffering and I did not know why or how to fix it. I felt like a failure.

    Since working with Aubri my life has changed dramatically. I am more present and more compassionate. I am not judging my parenting or worrying all the time. I’m having fun and laughing with my daughter and feel so much more connected to her. I have more friends and a more meaningful social life . Everything is just naturally happening and I don’t feel like I have to try. I don't feel alone anymore and there is no worry. I’m not holding any stress in my body and feel good everything is right in the world.

    I have spent countless years and money trying to heal and find myself. Through the magical guidance that Aubri provides; I have finally arrived home.

  • Jamien

    “Aubri is an incredibly talented, intuitive, generous, and highly skilled practitioner. During our first private session together, she accurately perceived a factual and precise details about my family history. I was floored! Throughout her sessions, she holds a gentle yet supportive and clear space that helps facilitate the next level of healing/growth. I find her to be light and fun yet also highly focused. She embodies integrity and wisdom from decades of personal and professional practice. Aubri is the real deal, and I feel grateful to have met her.”

  • Zoe

    I have been doing 1-1 Internal Family Systems & Family Constellations as well as Community Constellations with Aubri for 4 months now. Aubri has helped me gain purpose back in my life, something that has lacked for a long time. I have so much of a deeper understanding now of myself and how much I was carrying that wasn’t actually mine to carry. Aubri is an exceptionally gifted facilitator and beautiful soul.

    She brings an incredible amount of love, safety, acceptance, authenticity and warmth to her sessions. I always feel 100% supported and held. I cannot recommend Aubri enough! If your willing to look at yourself with curiosity and do the work. Aubri is the perfect person to guide you on your journey.
    I love you Aubri. You’re amazing.

  • Julie

    “Over the past year of working together my personal life, family life and career have all changed in ways and through ways I never would have expected. Even my kids have made comments about how things have changed. The ripple effect has been tangible. I’m moving ahead saying yes to the type of life and relationships I want, not putting myself last anymore and allowing in the ongoing support that I’m worthy of. Aubri is generous, compassionate and intuitive. She draws on her own lived experience, training, humanity and inclusion, to walk the journey with you, moving beyond has been so far into something more magical.”

  • Ali

    “I’m blown away at the shifts that have been a direct result from our sessions. And when you consider that between my Mum, my kids and I, we’ve probably had over 60 session of many modalities …all the things. None of these have come close to the level of heaing we have done just after two sessions with you! it’s so powerful ! “

  • Michelle

    “Wow! Aubri is like no mentor I've ever been to before & I say this in the BEST way! My god, what amazing leaps & bounds I've made in my 8wks with her (1 session weekly). I was not sure at first & put off making my initial booking, but my very first session was incredible! Yes there were tears, but they were releasing tears & Aubri's methods are like nothing I've experienced before. Every session is different & we only ever go at my pace. I can't express how grateful I am to have been told about her & I truly hope this testimony will help someone else take that first step. I know you won't regret it xx”

  • Dan

    “Aubri has been potent, yet gentle.. she holds a nurturing, authentic and safe space to explore the many parts we all have and is really embodied in her work.. highly recommend!”

  • Jenny

    “Aubri provided a safe and comfortable container during the course. She was in tune with all the participants needs and paced the learning so that it was easily understood and gave us ample opportunity to practice.
    This course has brought a new dimension to my work and created both interest for myself and clients, as I’m able to bring in new concepts which allow healing on a deeper level. Thank you Aubri for your many gifts and generosity. Combining other perspectives into this course made it a complete package. ”

  • Kate

    We are so so so lucky to have Aubri offer her medicine to us so freely in the world. Doing her community constellation work is altering my inner world in ways that I've never understood where possible. Sometimes I don't even understand how it all works, and that, is okay because I trust Aubri's offerings, the power and beauty and safety of her medicine. It's not the words, or the actions, it's the understanding that she has about life and the way the words seem to come through. I trust she's connected to a way bigger picture than anyone might understand. It is a reframing of things with out going the psychological route. It is the way she listens to what life is offering. For me, this is one of the most potent things in my life, and we need it so much as a species… Right now, right here. She is the best kept secret on the Sunshine Coast

  • Kat

    “Wow.. I feel invincible. I’ve changed so much. I first started working with Aubri during a time where I felt lost, confused, grieving, angry and without direction. Over time I have healed my inner wounds, discovered a deep inner strength and some unexpected creativity. It was amazing to observe the impact these sessions have had on my life, my career and my relationships with myself and my family. I could not have had this transformation with a traditional psychologist! Thanks to Aubri, I have a new thriving business, more compassion for myself, a deeper connection in my partnership, and I feel empowered to tackle life’s future curve balls. Thank you Aubri!!!”

  • Satinder

    “Aubri is an incredible practitioner who perfectly balances acknowledging difficult times whilst providing skillful motivation and practical guidance for genuine growth. I love how tangible and engaging our sessions are. Aubri has a kind and conscious approach with amazing knowledge in the fields of mental health and holistic approaches of healing. Aubri’s personal and spiritual guidance and will help you move past blockages to achieve your potential in a beautiful, integrated way”

  • Rachel

    “I attended a community constellation’s day. I didn't know what to expect, and boy was I blown away! It was such a valuable way to spend my day! Investing in self-healing, connecting with others and nourishing my soul. A day to remember!”

  • Chelsea

    “Aubri is one of the best practicioners I’ve ever worked with and one I have actually stuck with. She is so real and has helped me become the best version of myself as well as being there while I continually grow.”

  • Shiho

    “Having mentorship with Aubri will allow you to gain true confidence. You will be able to allow yourself to be who you are and feel that you are enough. This allowed me to truly love and enjoy my professional and personal life. I am deeply thankful to Aubri to all the support, love and friendship that she has given me over the years. I hope many more people get to experience the same.”

  • Jo

    “Aubri has a passion, backed by knowledge, that helped me see a depth of my personal struggle and through her compassionate, intuitive and embracing nature allowed me to feel safe to bring forth the peace I needed to leave my past behind and recreate a new story.”

  • Leigh

    “Aubri is an amazing facilitator and coach who has helped me personally with my relationships and patterns as well as professionally to develop my skills even further. Highly recommend!”

  • Ange

    Amazing is the word I would use for Aubri and her offerings. She is super intuitive, caring and I felt totally supported throughout my sessions. Highly recommended.

  • Nic

    Aubri is a gentle, warm, empathetic and intuitive soul who creates a safe space to talk and heal. I have been to see coaches and counselors in the past who have helped me throughout my journey but always felt my source issues were never resolved or identified. In just a few sessions with Aubri the realisations I have had have been truly life changing. The joy of identifying what has really been “sabotaging” my life and releasing them how to tend to it is such gift.

    Aubri facilitates these learnings with such lightheartedness, compassion and integrity.I can already feel my relationships with love ones changing with deeper connections.I am so grateful to be on this journey with Aubri as my guide and look forward to a more healthy, confident and peaceful future.